I ♥ NY
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
We have been in New York for over a month now, splitting our time between an apartment in Soho and my parents' house in Bayside. Since New York is my hometown, this pit stop on our tour is a chance to catch up with friends and family.

The weather here has been fickle in the last month, ranging from sunny highs in the 70s to cold and rainy days. On one of the nicer days, we strolled the High Line on the west side. We took a detour during the visit since President Obama was in the area, but eventually finished touring the mile and a half long elevated park. It's definitely nice to see more greenery in the city.
Cold day in the city
From the High Line on a sunny day
Jackson is adapting well to the city. The loft in Soho overlooks a very busy shopping area on Broadway, and he seems to like people watching (especially the girls coming in and out of H&M). But the bustling streets are not great for strollers so we've mostly carried him around town in the Ergo Carrier. It is so much more convenient than trying to lug a stroller up and down subway stairs and in and out of cabs.
Via subway and cab
Although we've stayed indoors a lot lately due to the colder weather, New York is still an exciting place to be. Today Old Navy was shooting a commercial all day outside our door and created a winter wonderland. Since we'll be spending the rest of our trip in summer weather, this was a real treat to see.
Our NY trip is now more than half way complete. Only a few more weeks to see, eat and scout a location for the roaming gnome project :)
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